The norwegian affluent consumers!
Finansavisen is the newspaper Norwegian top executives start the day with!
The readers are innovators and opinion leaders. They hold senior positions in the private sector in Norway, and have large networks, and several board positions in other companies.
Finansavisens readers have the highest incomes, the largest consumption and are concerned with quality and exclusivity.
This makes them the target group in the country with the greatest influence both in the consumer market and in the business communitys purchases and investments.
Kilde: Kilde: Forbruker & Media 2024/1 - 12+
Eastern Norway excluding Greater Oslo
Western/Southern Norway
Kilde: Kilde: Forbruker & Media 2024/1 - 12+
Highest completed schooling
Kilde: Egen undersökning
Personal annual income
Kilde: Undersøkelse: Forbruker & Media '24/1 - MGI
1 000 000 - 1 499 000 NOK
Household annual income
Kilde: Undersøkelse: Forbruker & Media '24/1 - MGI
1 000 000 - 1 499 000 NOK
The Decision-maker INDEX (100 = average norwegian population)
Kilde: Undersøkelse: Forbruker & Media '24/1 - MGI
The Opinionleader INDEX (100 = average norwegian population)
Kilde: Undersøkelse: Forbruker & Media '24/1 - MGI
Income INDEX (100 = average norwegian population)
Kilde: Undersøkelse: Forbruker & Media '24/1 - MGI
Personal annual income 1 500 000 + NOK
Household annual income 1 500 000 + NOK